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Friday, June 5, 2009
I'm SORRY if this is extremely immature or possibly quite sacrilegious. However, I am the youngest one of the group so that gives me a little leeway right?
Is there SOMETHING about this that just seems a little...oh I don't know...awkward to you?
Mare, it isn't gutter humour at all, but an opportunity to discuss the theological implications of phrases which make us uncomfortable when used in conjunction with the triune God.
helen, great point. I feel much better about that since I am an aspiring theologian... ;) phew. thanks for the save.
I'm going to get off the computer for the night so I expect to return to a proper theological resolution when I return to my computer in the morning. Something very deep and life changing please and thank you.
My 29 year old self says... Good points, Helen! Sometimes the Bride of Christ talk freaks me out because of what we have made sex to represent in our lovely messed up culture.
My 14 year old self says... huh huh...it says 'intercourse'...huh huh (a la Beavis and Butthead)
Usually the 14 year old self wins. This morning Handy Manny said something like, "You're my favorite tool!" and I was a goner.
I think marriage is meant to demonstrate how God wants our relationship with Him to be. All aspects of intimacy...Knowing what we'll say before we say it....Bringing home a favorite treat just to make the other happy....Stuff like that.
Mare, first of all, Ryan is the youngest.
Second of all, the Church is the Bride of Christ. Human intercourse is merely a symbol, not the other way around.
In case you people aren't sure, I am not kidding, which you may find even more frightening.
shoot...well there went my age cop-out. I am suddenly embarrassed.
Merely a symbol...I'm going to have to think on that one! Definitely haven't thought of it like that before...
Ok how old is mare? This is very important to me. Ryan B is younger than me. I just need to know who else is. I'm. 30 if anyone is counting.
Also you all need to get your minds out of the gutter. Seriously. ( | )
I am sitting at starbucks laughing my @SS off. So thanks for that!
NtG...I'm a mere 23. Just a baby and totally appopriate age for such "gutter" humor...right?
Or maybe I've just learned it from katdish.
Mare, it isn't gutter humour at all, but an opportunity to discuss the theological implications of phrases which make us uncomfortable when used in conjunction with the triune God.
What Katdish said.
Okay whatever. Still laughing my butt off. So I guess I am incredibly immature.
helen, great point. I feel much better about that since I am an aspiring theologian... ;) phew. thanks for the save.
I'm going to get off the computer for the night so I expect to return to a proper theological resolution when I return to my computer in the morning. Something very deep and life changing please and thank you.
night friends.
Uh. Yeah.
I'm not commenting on this one, after ending up in the time out corner for my last comment.
Sharkie, at least you've got company.... ;-)
awkward. definitely awkward.
My 29 year old self says...
Good points, Helen! Sometimes the Bride of Christ talk freaks me out because of what we have made sex to represent in our lovely messed up culture.
My 14 year old self says...
huh huh...it says 'intercourse'...huh huh (a la Beavis and Butthead)
Usually the 14 year old self wins. This morning Handy Manny said something like, "You're my favorite tool!" and I was a goner.
I think marriage is meant to demonstrate how God wants our relationship with Him to be. All aspects of intimacy...Knowing what we'll say before we say it....Bringing home a favorite treat just to make the other happy....Stuff like that.
Okay Helen. But it still says intercourse... *snort*
huh huh...'intercourse'... huh huh
We're going to hell, aren't we?
Shark Bait - All of us except Helen. She just doesn't see intercourse the same way we do.
Heh heh. I said intercourse.
I myself scream "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" during intercourse all the time....
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