Each Saturday night here at Smarty Pants, Ethbay will be holding tutorial classes for all those wishing to become fluent in Pig Latin. Class size is limited and is offered on a first come-first served basis, so Ignsay Puay Odaytay!
Imagine the poor people in that lobby. They may never sleep for more than a few minutes at a time again ... just like a cat. OMGosh they are turning into cats.
I am soooooo laughing here. I wish you could all see me.
I'm reading your blog and I'm checking this particular post out when over my shoulder my 13 year old goes, "wow - is that a real tiger~?" I can barely type this - I'm still laughing.
Interesting. They need to fix some of the skipped frames though. I'll see what I can do about getting it here but it may not be today.
Yes, Nick. Please fix that. My computer just made a noise like it got kicked in the nether regions...
Katdish ur computer probably got a virus because its user is such a twitter ho.
Aw, man!
Could have sworn that was just a rash...
That cat is gonna give me nightmares.
Imagine the poor people in that lobby. They may never sleep for more than a few minutes at a time again ... just like a cat. OMGosh they are turning into cats.
The cat revolution has begun!
That's a great way to start a Monday!!!
I'll be laughing all day about this one...
Oh, dang.
Thanks for fixing that. Totally worth the wait...
I am soooooo laughing here. I wish you could all see me.
I'm reading your blog and I'm checking this particular post out when over my shoulder my 13 year old goes, "wow - is that a real tiger~?" I can barely type this - I'm still laughing.
That's awesome.
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