Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Where the magic happens...

People often ask me, "What inspires you, katdish? With what type of environment do you surround yourself in to get the creative juices flowing?" (Okay, nobody ever asks me that, but they totally should.)

Some day soon, I will post pictures (probably on my poor, sad little painting blog) of my studio/escape from the world. Until then, here's a few things in here that inspire me:

These signs are on my giant peg board of fabulouscity, which is directly above two large stainless steel work tables:

This is an early birthday gift from Jeff and Tamara:

(I big red monkey butt heart them!)

And last, but certainly not least, there is Dave. Quiet, unassuming Dave. Where my laptop sits and my vast knowledge and encouragement gets passed on to you, the internets.

So, there you go. Lifechanging, no?


Nicole said...

I totally want that first sign!

jasonS said...

My favorite is the "National Sarcasm Society" one- brilliant (and I'm not being sarcastic).

Bradley j Moore said...

Totally. Katdish.

This explains a lot.

Candy said...

And that's why we big red monkey butt heart you, Katdish. Feeling the love yet?

Sherri Murphy said...

I love the coffee sign- I am hooked on it and vicious without it!