Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Now THAT'S snazzy!

Love your Snuggie, but just not getting all the privacy you need? You need the Snazzy Napper! It makes napping in public much more comfortable. With it's burka-esque lines, you're sure to not stand out like a sore thumb! Just look!

Now get on the phone and order one now! Hey, with Christmas coming, you could take care of your whole gift list with one call! Hmmm... I wonder which color Katdish would want...


SarahBeeCreations said...

I could have used one of those thing-a-ma-jigs last year when I'd nap in my car at lunch!

Wendy said...

Sarah - Yeah, and it wouldn't have at all looked like a body had been dumped in your car!

♥ Kathy said...

Well I'm glad they added an oval nose opening otherwise my claustrophobia would never let me wear one!

katdish said...

There are a lot of words I would use to describe that thing, but snazzy would not be one of them.

Tony C said...

Hey! I just used when of those at work today.

I love mine!