You knew it was coming and now it's here. The Twitter Ho-down! You do have a twitter post, don't you? Everyone who's anyone does.
Ghastly Roommates
1 year ago
One blog - many contributors. Kind of like a Mensa think tank...okay, nothing like that.
You knew it was coming and now it's here. The Twitter Ho-down! You do have a twitter post, don't you? Everyone who's anyone does.
Okay, yes. I forgot today was Friday. I blame Katdish. Why? Because it's always Katdish's fault. Somehow. Tweet 'em if you've got 'em folks!
And hey, don't forget to read the post after this one. It's new today, too. And you need the extra abuse this blog is dishing out.
Yes, it's time for another Twitter Ho-down. A time for us to show off our brilliant tweets. And the other ones, too. So if you did a Twitter post this week, go ahead and sign up below with Mr. Linky. He loves a good sign up.