Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Praying for Matt Chandler

Hey guys...I know we'll resume snarky soon enough. But for now, can we take some time as a body of believers who know the power of Jesus to pray for Matt Chandler, pastor of The Village Church in North Dallas? I've felt so compelled to pray for Matt ever since his elders started letting us know of his seizure and subsequent brain tumor diagnosis.

I don't know if the need to pray for Matt is that he's: a) a pastor who fearlessly preaches Christ crucified b) is pastor of an Acts 29 church and is a member of the Acts 29 network like my church is c) because I always connect with those struggling through cancer. At any rate, Matt is on my heart and our prayer is powerful as we ask for God's will for Matt. I believe satan took a swipe at Matt because he's dangerous for the enemy's kingdom. And I believe God is going to get some enormous glory for this journey, regardless of how He decides to heal Matt.


Candy said...

Thanks for posting this Marni. There's also a "Praying for Matt Chandler" FB page. I've been drawn to his story too. What strength, courage, & grace.

Helen said...

I'll add Matt into my prayers, Marni.

katdish said...

Praying for Matt. Thanks for posting this.

JML said...

He's a VERY intelligent man, and a wonderful preacher. I enjoy listening to him from time to time. I hope for the absolute best for him and his family!