Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Disturbing New Trend in Commercials

First came the money with eyes, stalking people who could have saved money on their car insurance...

Then came the mops and brooms stalking women who are way overdressed for cleaning...

But when I saw this commercial the other night, I about died of a heart-attack...

Dear advertising companies,

I am paranoid enough without you inventing new inanimate objects for me to be afraid of. Today I scolded my vaccuum and was convinced a throw pillow moved three feet when I wasn't looking. So knock it off with the creepy household objects coming to life and stalking people thing, or I will have to sick my wicker furniture on you. (Wicker is just one letter away from wicked...a coincidence? I think not!)

All my love,


katdish said...

That's CREEPY!

Shark Bait said...

Agreed. Creepy.

My Brother-in-law nearly died a few years back when he went in to hospital for bypass surgery, because they forgot to take him off the Plavix 48 hours before. Luckily the anesthetist's assistant saw it on his chart while they were still putting him under.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is creepy. No wonder we're a bunch of anxious, freaked-out people. We're about to have a heart attack while figuring out how to avoid having a heart attack.

Not to mention that our money is watching us, and the broom is a stalker.

Marni said...

Stupid lady on the golf course. You have a weapon in your hand! If the gurney is sneaking up on you on the 5th hole, turn around and hit it with your pitching wedge and it will go back from whence it came.

That's what I would do. Then I'd go to the doctor and be all "Uh, no, I don't need Plavix, but could you write me for some Clozipine because I'm seeing hospital equipment stalk me!"

(Wicker is just one letter away from wicked...a coincidence? I think not!) SNORT!!!!

Sherri Murphy said...

Beth you're right...CREEPY stuff!

Marni- great comeback!

Beth said...

Anyone notice how the plavix lady looks incredibly young and it's like they tried to make her look older?? Maybe it's just me...

If being a commercial critic was a career possibility, I'd jump on that train in a second!

Helen said...

Marni, I was considering lithium, but good point...when inanimate objects seem to be moving, Plavix is not the drug of choice....Come to think of it, when inanimate objects seem to be moving, it may be time to forgo the drugs ....

Toaster said...

Check out Pointless Planet for a funny take on the Plavix gurney commercial: