Dear Blogger Robots:
We consider our postings to have more in common with baloney than spam.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
****Any fottsp contributors who agree with the above message should feel free to sign the letter...
One blog - many contributors. Kind of like a Mensa think tank...okay, nothing like that.
Anyone else care to sign my petition to the blogger robots?
Can someone PUH-LEESE tell me what we did in the name of sweet baby Moses to merit the wrath of Blogger?
First you and Candy tell me why you didn't add your names to the letter...
Dear Blogger,
If you've been following FOTTSP today, you would have realized that it was Candy's birthday.
I realize we are on the 'hate' list for some unknown reason, so Helen started a petition. I am officially adding my name.
If indeed you were following FOTTSP today, you will know that Wendy made a suggestive comment about Candy and her husband to which Candy replied that her husband said the suggestive comment was true. Or something like that.
I would like to respond for Candy as I know she would like to sign the petition, but I am afraid she is otherwise disposed at the moment.
Please consider Annie K and Candace Jean July 16 officially on the peition for watever we are petitioning against. Per Helen. And we do what Helen says because she's a bad ass Hungarian.
Annie K (.)(.)
What Annie K (!)(!)'s said.
Does anyone know what it is that we did that so angered the blogging gods? I know they said we were potential spam, but why?
Did we have too many people dropping links to our posts? Did we say Monkey Butt too much? What?
Dear BloggerBots,
Consider this my official signature. I was a bit verklempt yesterday - after all, it was my birthday and it was a cruel thing to do to someone who is aging less than gracefully and got no cake. Now for all things good and holy, give us our blog back and nobody gets hurt.
or possibly head cheese
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