Friday, April 10, 2009



Helen said...

Our very own Ryan has up a video that is powerful, too.

katdish said...

That is still difficult for me to watch. Which is a good thing. God forgive me if it ever becomes easy.

Candy said...

I can't watch it. I've never seen the movie - just a few clips of it, heard about it, and I really couldn't bear to watch. I'm simply too weak. Someday maybe.

Wendy said...

I can't watch it either... It was so hard seeing it in the movie theater... He is so Good!

Helen said...

Candy, I watched it at the movies, but I can't watch it again right now. It isn't exactly something one can bear to watch often. I will watch it again at some point, though. The visual of what He did for me was very powerful. There was a point where I wanted to cry out for Him to stop, because I am not worth it. The really mind boggling thing is that, to Him, I am. It is so amazing How much our good and pure Lord loves us.